
Setting up the Autopilot Asset Management Integration with BlueTally

How to setup the Autopilot Asset Management Integration with BlueTally

BlueTally lets you save time and headaches by automatically adding devices from Windows Autopilot into the app as assets. Setup your integration in only steps:

Login to your Azure account.

Search for "App registrations"
Click on "New registrations"
Give the app a name (like BlueTally Autopilot), select the first Supported account type and click Register
Click on "API permissions" in the left menu bar
Click on "Add a permission" and then "Microsoft Graph"
Click on "Application permissions"
Search "DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All" (case sensitive), and then tick this option and click "Add permissions"
Click on the dots all the way on the right side of the User.Read permission, then click on "Remove permission"
Click on "Grant admin consent for ..." and "Yes" in the confirmation
Click on "Certificates & secrets" in the left menu bar
Click on "New client secret", give it a name (like BlueTally Key), set the expiration to "24 months" and click "Add"
Copy the "Value" and note it down for later
Click on Overview in the left menu bar
Copy the "Application (client) ID" and note it down for later
Click on "Endpoints" and then copy the "OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2)" and note it down for later
Open the Settings in your BlueTally account and paste in the values that you noted down earlier. Then, click on Test Connection to make sure the integration was set up correctly, complete the configuration settings and enable the integration.

That's it! It will take around ~10 minutes for the first transfer to complete.

All new devices added to Autopilot will automatically be added as an asset in BlueTally, with the Asset ID in BlueTally mapped to the serial number of the device from Autopilot.

Once a device from Autopilot has been enrolled to Intune, our Intune integration will claim the asset in BlueTally and sync all the details from Intune to it - keeping the history of the asset from when it was first enrolled by Autopilot, and preventing duplicates.

To learn more about how this integration works, please refer to our knowledge base article.

If you have any questions regarding this integration, send us an email to and we'll assist you with your setup!

You can also setup SSO with Azure AD, receive notifications directly to Microsoft Teams and Slack, or integrate BlueTally into your existing workflows by using our powerful API.